
Authors & Publications

Authors &


Search tips:

  1. When using the search box, type your word or phrase and then wait for an auto-fill list of results. No need to hit the [ENTER] key. If “No results found,” then try hitting the [ENTER / RETURN] key to initiate the search.

  2. If you are using a desktop or laptop computer — Search for an author or publication on this page by using the key combination Control-F to pull up a browser search box that is separate from the search box above; input your search term, then hit the [ENTER] key repeatedly, to toggle through multiple points where your search term may be found below. Why do this? When an author is a co-author, s/he is listed after the primary author and will not be listed alphabetically. Another reason is to quickly jump down this long webpage to the person or item of interest. Control-F is a web browser hot key used to Find text on a web page.


