


Physiology and Therapeutics: Four Lectures

Lectures by Rudolf Steiner in Dornach, Switzerland, October 7-9, 1920. Translated from the 1975 German edition by Alice Wulsin and Gerald Karnow (2005).

  1. Hypothetical and phenomenological science; Schelling’s “To know nature means to create nature”; indications of new methods in science.

  2. Creative activity within the human being; transfor-mation of growth forces into soul forces; childhood ill-nesses and illnesses in later life; physical illness and mental illness; seat of mental illness in organs.

  3. Sound basis for therapy; threefold organization of man and its relation to soul life; breakdown processes and up-building processes; plant metamorphosis and its re-lation to remedies; betula alba.

  4. ‘I’-activity and physical ‘I’-scaffolding; phosphorus in human being; rickets; effect of salts in human being; use of massage; human reproduction: male and female principles.

Open access: Anthromed Library gratefully acknowledges permission to share this booklet by Mercury Press and SteinerBooks, 2023.